Owning your Intellectual Property is Power

FOIA Request

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request

The Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) provides that any person has the right to request access to federal agency records or information. Our firm can file FOIA requests on your behalf. The FOIA allows persons to request records that the government has on either an individual or on a third party.

FOIA image copyright Antares Law Group LLC

The FOIA covers contract-related requests. These tools can be useful for individuals and companies that do business with the government. Information obtained under such requests can help companies gain insight in improving business procurement and strategy, and compliance with federal regulations.

Before you submit a FOIA request through our firm, check USAspending.gov to determine what information about the contract is already publicly available. If you decide to submit a FOIA request, please provide the award identification number or the name of the awardee so that we can quickly search for the records.

Please be mindful that if you are a contractor who wants to request another contractor’s information to use in an upcoming bid or proposal, be aware that some parts of contract records cannot be released under FOIA Exemption 3 (statutory exemption), Exemption 4 (trade secrets and confidential commercial information), or Exemption 5 (deliberative process privilege). For more information, visit FOIA.gov, the USGS FOIA Reading Room, or send an email to foia@usgs.gov.