What to Trademark First - the Business Name or the Logo?
File trademark applications to register your business name and logo separately, even if the logo contains the business name. If you need to choose to file either the business name or the company logo due to financial constraints, consider filing for your business name before you file for the logo.
In very rare situations would you want to change your company name, but you may decide to update the logo that associates your brand name with new products and services. If you only register a trademark for the logo containing the business name, you would need to file a new registration each time you update your logo. The duplicate registrations could cause problems during the trademark registration and delay your rebranding.
Keeping your logo and business name separate allows you to use either intellectual property on its own. Trademark protection extends only to the trademark registrations as they are submitted to United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Advertising or marketing strategies and intellectual property enforcement may necessitate the use of one trademark over the other. Keep them separate to simplify your operations.
If you have additional questions regarding your trademark application, set up an initial consultation today.
Laila Ghauri, Esq., Principal Attorney, Antares Law Firm