Starting Dec. 3 , 2022 Applicants have 3 Months to Respond to USPTO Office Actions
Currently, United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) allows trademark applicants 6 months to respond to an office action. Starting December 3, 2022, this time period will decrease to only 3 months. Applicants will be permitted to apply for a three-month extension for a fee.
The intention of the USPTO is to decrease the time it takes to obtain a trademark registration and provide flexibility to request additional time to respond to more complex office actions. The added cost of responding to complex office actions on a truncate timeline will adversely effect smaller companies and individuals, who now have less time to secure legal help and will need to be pay additional fees to extend time to respond.
If you have received an USPTO office action, we courage you to take it seriously and secure legal representation to prepare a response on your behalf. Set up a discovery call with our the Antares Law Firm team today.