Owning your Intellectual Property is Power




What is Intellectual Property Theft?

Generally, when we think about theft, we think about tangible, physical property (like a car, jewelry, etc.). Intellectual property theft is the act of robbing companies and individuals of their ideas, inventions, and creative expressions.

So what can you do to protect yourself? Register your intellectual property, whether it qualifies as a copyright, a trademark, or a patent. If you are not sure which category applies to you, consult with an intellectual property lawyer. Without the appropriate registration of intellectual property, you may not be able to assert your rights when faced with intellectual property theft.

Some ideas may not fall neatly into these categories, including trade secrets and other proprietary products, in which case you may consider implementing effective agreements and business strategies to protect your interests.

Have more questions? Contact us today.

—Laila Ghauri, Esq.

Laila Ghauri